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Excess skin and fatty tissue in the abdominal region can be quite big aesthetic and psychological burden. It can also lead to serious medical problems.

This problem is most commonly present among women after pregnancy and childbirth and among younger and middle aged men and women after massive weight loss.

Excess and loose abdominal skin cannot be treated or solved with physical exercise, working out or cosmetic treatments. In the majority of cases it cannot even be solved with liposuction, which is used for fat deposits removal.

The procedure that will efficiently get rid of excess skin and fatty tissue form stomach or abdominal area is called abdominoplasty, lipectomy or ā€œtummy tuckā€.



Excess skin and fatty tissue in stomach area can cause various medical problems. Persons with this problem often complain about back pain, and irritant dermatitis (skin inflammation) in the stomach area.

  • Lynn

    I did quite a bit of research but I chose to come to Croatia as opposed to the UK not only because of the price but because of the quality of the surgeons. I googled ā€œBest surgeons in Europeā€ and dr. Tončić came up and I looked on the website of the clinic and did a bit of research as well, looked at the proā€™s and conā€™s and the aftercare I would be provided, as opposed to that in the UK, was far superior. The process has been really smooth and easy, everyoneā€™s been very helpful and Iā€™d recommend it to anybody!

Abdominoplasty before and after surgery

Rated 4.9/5 based on 197 customer reviews
Clinic dr. Tončić


Modern life style exposes us to uncritical and irregular consumption of low quality food, especially fast food. It is, therefore, hard to meet the ideals of beauty that are constantly being enforced on us through media. Even if you win the battle against obesity, some permanent imperfections and flaws tend to remain permanently.

In the majority of cases, it is excess skin left on different parts of body ā€“ face, chin, thighs and upper arms. This problem is most commonly present in stomach area, where the biggest quantity of excess skin is usually left, alongside with the fatty tissue. Such situation can significantly damage oneā€™s image and overall appearance.


Similar problem is present among women after pregnancy and birth whose skin is not elastic and who have problems with excess skin which doesnā€™t seem to want to draw back sufficiently. This results in a certain amount of loose skin which aesthetically presents a significant problem.


Excess abdominal skin among normal weight people can be caused by genetic factor. Normally, the amount of skin is not too large, but it spoils the overall appearance.


Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure by which we remove excess skin, which presents a significant aesthetic and often a medical problem. This is a method by which we tighten the skin of the whole stomach wall.

In order to remove the optimal quantity of excess skin, prior to the surgery we take certain measurements and make a precise drawing marking the guidelines for the surgery.

To make the postoperative scar least noticeable, we place it in the bikini line. The scar is, therefore, covered with underwear after the recovery period. We sew the scar with precision and with the finest threads, following the aesthetic surgery principles.

Six months to one year after the surgery, in the majority of cases, the scar almost completely fades away.
If the patientā€™s abdominal wall is weak, we can additionally tighten and straighten the wall by special stitches.
In the hands of an experienced and skilled surgeon, from the technical point of view, this procedure is not too demanding, and it can be performed relatively quickly and very successfully.

Tummy tuck can be considered somewhat more demanding from the patientā€™s point of view, especially regarding the postoperative recovery, during which, the patient should be disciplined and strictly follow the surgeonā€™s instructions. Because of the incision position, it is essential for the patient to rest as much as possible in the first 7 to 10 days following the surgery, with special emphasis on the first three days.

We insist our patients are well examined, evaluated and prepared, in order to make the risk of the surgery and postoperative recovery minimal and to enable maximal safety and security for our patient.
With these conditions fulfilled, abdominoplasty is a very efficient procedure, resulting in high degree of patientā€™s satisfaction.

Abdominoplaty also comprises removal of a certain amount of abdominal fatty tissue, together with the excess skin removal. However, it is important to highlight that suitable patients for tummy tuck should be normal weigh persons. It is irrelevant whether the excess skin in the stomach area is due to physical constitution or massive weight loss.

We donā€™t recommend abdominoplasty to female patients who plan on having babies in the future, so the problem of excess, sagging stomach skin doesnā€™t repeat.

Several months after the surgery, when the most demanding phase of the recovery has passed, we can make certain additional procedures to improve details in order to achieve maximum effect. Such procedure is liposuction of stomach, waist or groin area, which can significantly improve the appearance.

It is imperative for the lab and medical preoperative tests to be in order. Such tests comprise internist examination with ECG, blood pressure, blood test and coagulation results.


Besides standard tummy tuck, we also perform mini tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty at patients with excess skin in lower abdomen area, i.e. below belly button. This type of abdominoplasty is not as extensive as full abdominoplasty, and it naturally comprises easier recovery period.

Standard tummy tuck is a method used for complete abdominal skin tightening, including the skin above the belly button.

Dr.Toncic and his surgical team have been successfully performing abdominoplasty for more than 15 years, and from the ample experience, Dr Toncic claims tummy tuck is a very successful method for body sculpting. Thanks to all these facts, in our clinic we have a large number of satisfied patients after abdominoplasty.







Treatments that require additional photos such as:

  • nostrils correction (alaroplasty) ā€“ photo of the face from below, to see the nostrils and tip
  • correction of spaced ears (otoplasty) ā€“ photo of the back of the head with tied hair, to see the ears
  • upper arm correction (brachioplasty) ā€“ photo of upper body with arms raised and bent at the elbows
  • excess skin in the abdominal region (abdominoplasty) ā€“ photo of the abdominal profile from the profile when the body is slightly inclined


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