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What is cubital tunnel syndrome?

Cubital tunnel syndrome is manifested through tingles and loss of sensation in half of the ring finger and the little finger, pain in the hand and forearm, weakening of the hand muscles.

It develops because of the pressure on the ulnar nerve in the elbow area. With untreated patients it slowly turns into nerve deterioration and permanent loss of sensation and hand muscles.

The diagnosis is formed based on the described symptoms and can be confirmed with an EMG examination.


Cubital tunnel syndrome can be treated in a few ways, including change of activity, immobilization, anti-inflammatory medication, steroid injections in the area where the nerve is being pressed on and surgical treatment.

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Clinic dr. Tončić


In our clinic this procedure is performed by an experienced surgical team, and the operation itself consists of cutting the structure in the elbow area which can be the source of the pressure on the nerve.

The operation is carried through under general anesthesia or under block type anesthetics (the patient is awake the entire time of the operation and the hand is numb) and is painless for the patient.

After releasing the nerve, it is left in the same place if it was a gentle pressure, and if it is a stronger pressure, the nerve is transferred in the front of the elbow, under the skin or inside the muscle.

After the operation a drain is placed inside the wound and left there for two to three days.


The final result of the operation depends on the course of the operation, the experience of the surgeon and his team, but to a significant extent, it also depends on conscientious and detailed postoperative monitoring and control.

To be sure of the success of the operation and wellbeing of the patient, we insist on regular check ups and everyday contact with the patient. We monitor our patient’s recovery completely, which is crucial for our patient’s health and the result of the operation.

The patient is usually discharged from the clinic the same day and is advised to rest with their arm put in a elevated position. The drain is usually removed the second or third day after the surgery and the stitches are removed two weeks following the surgery.

Patients are usually capable to drive a week after the operation, and returning to their jobs greatly depends on the type of the job they do.


Patients who didn’t permanently lose sensation and their hand muscles haven’t completely weakened before the operation have a better prognosis. These patients can expect a full recovery of their nerve function.

Patients who have lost sensation and their hand muscles have weakened before the operation may experience the same symptoms permanently even after the surgery.





Treatments that require additional photos such as:

  • nostrils correction (alaroplasty) – photo of the face from below, to see the nostrils and tip
  • correction of spaced ears (otoplasty) – photo of the back of the head with tied hair, to see the ears
  • upper arm correction (brachioplasty) – photo of upper body with arms raised and bent at the elbows
  • excess skin in the abdominal region (abdominoplasty) – photo of the abdominal profile from the profile when the body is slightly inclined


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