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What is Mini lift?

Mini face lifting is a surgical procedure for tightening the loose, sagging skin on the face. The result is younger, fresher and rested looks that can last up to 10 years.

Mini lift patients are younger or middle aged people with excess skin in the area of middle and lower face.

Our surgeons have more than 25 years of experience with this surgery and they use a range of proven and perfected surgical techniques to achieve an optimally tightened, natural looking face without visible traces of the surgery.



S-lift is a not perceived as a difficult surgery and we perform it in local anaesthesia with sedation. This way we achieve maximal aesthetic result with minimal surgical trauma, which greatly reduces the risk of possible complications, while speeding our patients' recovery.

I did quite a bit of research but I chose to come to Croatia as opposed to the UK not only because of the price but because of the quality of the surgeons. I googled “Best surgeons in Europe” and dr. Tončić came up and I looked on the website of the clinic and did a bit of research as well, looked at the pro’s and con’s and the aftercare I would be provided, as opposed to that in the UK, was far superior. The process has been really smooth and easy, everyone’s been very helpful and I’d recommend it to anybody!

Mini face lift before and after surgery - a youthful appearance after tightening of the skin and subcutaneous face

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Clinic dr. Tončić


A successful facelift surgery is considered the one that leaves one's face looking fresher and younger, with minimally noticeable traces of the surgery.

Dr Rajko and Dr Dinko Toncic have developed so called minimal scarring technique. It is a technique that comprises making surgical incisions according to the aesthetic surgery principles. The scar is hidden in the ear and in the hair.

Using this technique, after the facelift, there is a tiny, well hidden scar left that is hardly noticeable.

The scar is hidden in the crease in front of the ear and in hair. With aesthetic surgery principles always on our mind, we pay special attention to details, and hence, the scar is almost invisible after recovery period.

With mini face lift, we also use the method of deep lifting (SMAS lift), which comprises not only the tightening of the skin, but also of deep facial structures – i.e. muscles of the face. This way, we achieve a longer lasting, more complete effect of the mini lifting.

Facelift results in Dr. Tončić clinic:

  • Younger, fresher and more rested looking face
  • Optimally tightened skin – NO loose skin left or over-tightening that could leave the artificial, „operated“ look
  • Preserved facial mimics
  • No visible traces or scarring after the surgery
  • Rejuvenating effect that lasts approximately 10 years


Beside facelift, there is a range of smaller procedures that can significantly enhance a patient’s appearance.

Additional minor surgeries such as forehead liftupper and lower eyelid surgery - blepharoplasty and mechanical dermabrasion of upper and lower lip to reduce fine lines around the lips can significantly enhance the effects of a facelift.

Also, there are dermal filler treatmentsBotox treatments, and chemical peel.

Am I a good mini face lift candidate?

To determine whether you are a good mini lifting candidate, we need to see you in the clinic for consultation. After listening to your wishes and individually assessing your case, we give you our expert opinion and the possible solutions that cosmetic surgery can offer. During the examination we also decide on the best surgical method that we can use to achieve the goal in your individual case. If you live far from Zagreb or Croatia, you can send us the photos of your face and a brief description of the problem and what you would like to achieve with the surgery. We will review your case carefully and reply in a timely manner to inform you about your possibilities, expected results and all the costs involved in a mini lifting procedure in our clinic. Generally, mini lifting patients in our clinic are healthy younger and middle aged people with excess skin on face, who honestly reply to our medical questions on their individual health and habits.






The price of mini face lift procedure is defined during preoperative examination and consultation with our aesthetic surgeons. The price is defined according to the indication and the extent of the procedure.

Please note, the price of mini lift in our clinic includes the anaesthesia and all postoperative check-ups and stitches removal.

Mini lift is performed in local anaesthesia with IV sedation. This means that, beside local anaesthetic, the patient gets light intravenous sleeping medication. Throughout the surgery, the patient is asleep and the procedure is pain free.

To determine whether you are a good mini lifting candidate, we need to see you in the clinic for consultation. After listening to your wishes and individually assessing your case, we give you our expert opinion and the possible solutions that cosmetic surgery can offer.

During the examination we also decide on the best surgical method that we can use to achieve the goal in your individual case. If you live far from Zagreb or Croatia, you can send us the photos of your face and a brief description of the problem and what you would like to achieve with the surgery. We will review your case carefully and reply in a timely manner to inform you about your possibilities, expected results and all the costs involved in a mini lifting procedure in our clinic.

Generally, mini lifting patients in our clinic are healthy younger and middle aged people with excess skin on face, who honestly reply to our medical questions on their individual health and habits.

Our patients can resume their personal and professional activities 10 days after the operation, when it is suitable to use make-up, too.

Postoperative recovery after a mini face lift is individual, usually lasting around 10 days after the operation.

The stitches are removed 7 days after the surgery, and our patients can resume their personal and professional activities in ten days or two weeks after the surgery, having in mind, though, to avoid harder physical activities for 30 days after the operation.

Required stay in Zagreb is 8 to 14 days, so we can remove the stitches and monitor the early postoperative period completely.

For our patients’ safety, successful recovery and postoperative monitoring, we recommend optimal length of stay in Zagreb. This way, we leave nothing to chance. We monitor our patient’s recovery completely, which is crucial for our patient’s health and the result of the operation.

Sick leave lasts 14 days for mini face lift surgery. Seven 7 days following the operation, we remove the stitches. 14 days after the surgery, the patient can resume her or his personal and professional activities.





Treatments that require additional photos such as:

  • nostrils correction (alaroplasty) – photo of the face from below, to see the nostrils and tip
  • correction of spaced ears (otoplasty) – photo of the back of the head with tied hair, to see the ears
  • upper arm correction (brachioplasty) – photo of upper body with arms raised and bent at the elbows
  • excess skin in the abdominal region (abdominoplasty) – photo of the abdominal profile from the profile when the body is slightly inclined


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